2020 Harvest CUP Recap
The 2020 FLWR CITY “Harvest Cup” was an event celebrating completion of the 2020 Harvest season, and stressing the importance of New York hemp flower for the both the NY farming community and consumers.
It is the belief of the organizers that flower - as a farm product and a consumer good - Is an important Social and economic resource for the NYS community in such trying times. We believe that the proposed regulations by NYS banning “flower sales” are preposterous, negligent and will Do more harm to the public - farmer and consumer alike - than good.
The 2020 Champions
Category Winners
Our Hosts
Nhi Kha
Zach Sarkis
Our Judges
Erik Carbone
Mary Pryor
John Fraizer
Mary Kruger
Emily Kyle
Jim Castetter
Maria Perry
Sarah Stenuf
Sponsoring Partners
Event Sponsor DynaVap
Supporting Partners
2020 Harvest Cup Recipients
The recipients of the 2020 Harvest Cup funds are a group of amazing organizations that are either feeding, clothing, sheltering, or empowering (in two cases, all three) at risk community members in the Greater Rochester Finger Lakes Region. We commend this year's recipients for their commitment and leadership in our communities.
This year through the FLWR CITY Harvest Cup we were able to raise a grand total of $6,000 which will be given to the following organizations. Thank you to everyone that participated in the 2020 Harvest Cup and made this possible. We hope to see you for the next Cup!
Massachusetts Avenue Project (MAP) is a nonprofit urban farm located on Buffalo's West Side. MAP employs youth year round and teaches them job readiness and leadership skills through farming, our Mobile Market, kitchen and nutrition education, as well as food policy and civic engagement.
Flower City Noire Collective was founded in Rochester in 2016 by Tonya Noel Stevens and Kristen Walker. Noire stands for Neighbors Organized with Imagination for Resilient Emergence and is based on the model of Hope House in Detroit, which Stevens and Walker visited in 2017. Noire House is actually two houses, acquired by FCNC as “legacy properties.” Walker and Stevens are currently living in one of the houses, along with other tenants, and rehabbing both houses for cooperative occupancy.”
Their interventions include a free Black feminist mentoring program for local youth called “Petals,” cultivation of green space for and with Black urban growers (B.U.G.S.), regular reading groups and other consciousness-raising efforts including a reading and discussion group, and most recently the founding of Noire House at the corner of Flower City and Dewey Avenue on the city’s predominantly Black west side in 2019.
A Community funded and run group providing free groceries to families in Rochester. It formed from the group "COVID-19 Rochester, NY Food Relief" on Facebook at the start of the 2020 pandemic.
It is how by a black femme and diverse group of volunteers. We prioritize community members who are often overlooked (black, disabled, and queen folx). We keep us fed and safe.
You can request assistance or inquire about volunteering by emailing rocfoodrelief@gmail.com
How to Donate
Venmo: @momjeans91
Cash App: $NoJusticeNoPeace585
Both with the memo "Food Relief".