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How the 2023  

The Journey:

Rolling Submissions

(1) Intake Grading Party 

(4+) Peoples Choice Popup Grading Parties

(40+) People Choice Judging Kits

(10) Industry Judging Kits 

(1) Live Grading Digital Event

(1) In-Person Awards Party, April 2022

1. Farmers Send In
THC - Prep.png

THC is must be hand-delivered, CBD can get put in the mail. Maximum of 2 entries per cultivator. All submissions must be delivered by January 7th, 2022.

Register here!

2.  Double Blind Grading 

Once delivered, all Flower submissions are assigned a number that will be their new identity, ridding them of any identifiable information. They also get their intake photos 

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3. The"Sorting Hat Event"

Intake grading party, all double-blind, narrowing submissions down to the "Top 20" of CBD & THC strains. 

All flowers will receive at least twelve independent reviews, based on the visual and aromatic qualities of the plant. 

Even if your flower doesn't make it past this point, you will have enough feedback to understand why. 

4. People's Choice Popup
Grading Parties

Think buffet-style grading experience. We will be bringing the "Top 20" strains of CBD & THC on the road with us from Buffalo - to - Long Island.  Throw in some music & local vendors, and we will have ourselves a good time. 

We expect to have 100+ public judges grading your flower on looks (and possibly smell, depending on health & safety restrictions). 

From these parties, we will narrow down to the "Top 10" strains of the CUP - all of which will be sent to our judges across the state. 

Image by Rob Sheahan
5. 50+ Judging Kits Sent Out

The "Top 10" strains of both CBD & THC will get delivered across the state to all of our People's Choice & Industry Judges. Flowers will be graded on their look, smell, resin, cure & more. 

(10) Industry Judges will be grading

the "Top 10" CBD & THC flowers.

(40) Peoples Choice judges will be able to

grade the "Top 10" CBD flowers. 

(14) Lucky folks from the public will

be grading both CBD & THC 

6. Livestream Grading Event.

We welcome all judges to join the Industry Judges for a live stream event analyzing the "Top 10" flowers live. Consider this a teaser to the awards ceremony. 

Working Cafe
7. FLWR CITY CUP Awards Party 

This is going to be an event you will not want to miss. All these festivities culminate into the FLWR CITY CUP awards party to be held in Rochester, April of 2022.  

There will be 50+ vendors, live music & presentations, and of course the awards and recognition ceremony. 

Stay tuned for the after party :) 

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